Seasonal Inclement Weather Information

A graphic with the caption: Inclement Weather Information

We are now well into inclement weather season, and there is no perfect weather call. Snow days, remote days, and delayed start days are all options, as they have been in the past.
Superintendent Morse makes these decisions between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. after careful review of the predicted weather, road conditions, and conversations with superintendents from surrounding areas. As you know, weather can change quickly in New England, which is why making these calls is so difficult.

All Oyster River students are equipped with a district-issued computer device. This means the possibility of sometimes using remote learning instead of cancellation. Having this option helps us determine the end of the school year with more predictability which benefits everyone.
Snow Days
We use snow days for predicted heavy snow events. Wintry weather in New England is unavoidable, and children look forward to the joys fresh snow brings. This is a unique day in which children are active, offering a welcome break from being trapped indoors during winter months, and a chance to enjoy a traditional New England experience.
Remote Learning
We use remote learning days when we experience significant winter weather, such as the all too frequent icy freeze overs that makes travel incredibly dangerous. Remote learning will be used when there are no massive power outages across the district.
Delayed Start
We use delayed starts when the weather is predicting to thaw by mid-morning. When school is delayed, morning PEP is cancelled.