News & Updates
This program is for families of middle school students only. Childcare is available&...
On September 20, 2024, Oyster River Middle School team members and club coordinators wo...
Location: Morse Recital Hall at the Oyster River Middle School (1 Coe Dr, Dur...
The Oyster River Wellness Committee invites you to a community dinner celebration on&nb...
New in 2024-2025! Two Inclusive Connections event series to offer support spaces&n...
Our breakfast and lunch menus are available here. Lunch menus are updated monthly....
The ORCSD will be testing its emergency mass notification system on September 12, 2024,...
Our August/September 2024 blue and white days rotation may be found here. The blue/w...
We are excited to announce the launch of a new initiative called Community Conversation...
Working Together to Engage Every Learner
The Oyster River Cooperative School District serves the contiguous town communities of Durham, Lee, and Madbury, located 50 miles north of Boston in the southeast corner of New Hampshire. The district is 12 miles west of Portsmouth and the Atlantic Ocean beaches, and 40 miles southeast of the White Mountains, offering four-season recreational activities and immediate proximity to the state’s Lakes Region. The University of New Hampshire (UNH) is located in Durham. As a result of its geographical location, the district and its students have easy access to many cultural and educational opportunities.
Oyster River Schools
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