
Working Together To Engage Every Learner.

The Oyster River Cooperative School District (ORCSD) serves the contiguous town communities of Durham, Lee, and Madbury. Our proximity to Boston, the Atlantic shoreline, the Lakes Region, and the White Mountains provides atypical access to an array of cultura, educational resources, and four-season recreational activities. The district, established in 1954, celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2004 and is one of the oldest cooperative districts in the state.

From a small beginning, serving 661 students in one facility, the district has grown to just over 2,000 students educated in four schools. While the district is made up of three separate towns, it is a single political unit that operates under the rules of RSA 40:13. This means that the district votes by official ballot rather than the traditional "town meeting" form of government. All of the registered voters in the three communities make up the legislative body that elects a seven-member school board to govern the district.

Oyster River has a long history of providing excellent educational opportunities for its students and our community is supports quality education. This commitment and support have helped the district recruit and maintain an excellent teaching staff and an outstanding administrative leadership team.