Photo credit Julianna Kun
Welcome to the Library!
Do You Have a Project Coming Due?
We have poster board, construction paper, scrapbook paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and stickers. If it's paper-related we probably have it or can get it for you. We also have a 3D printer, a Cricut machine, light boxes, and Sewing Machines. Talk with us about your project ideas and let's see what we can help you to create!
Has Your Research Stalled?
Don't know where to begin or go next? Make an appointment to speak with Mrs. Harling in a one-on-one help session. She will help you with your primary and secondary sources, using databases, annotations, and any other questions you may have.
If you have questions about the library, please contact Ms. Lisa Harling.
High School Library Media Specialist

Did you know?
The Oyster River library offers resources to help you relax and unwind during your scheduled breaks.
Have a cup of hot tea, color, play a card or board game with a friend, play with legos or K'Nex, and lots more!
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